David Bowie's Eyes

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rockstar INXS

Okay, I admit it: I'm into Rockstar INXS. I derided it early in the summer, when CBS was hyping it heavily; however, when friends of ours watched it while visiting us, I became hooked. It's rare among reality shows for its warmth and goodwill: the show contains only one asshole, and even he is well-liked among fans and fellow contestants. (Actually, it's beginning to look as though he's simply immature, which, for once, isn't seen as an asset.) This week, the four final contestants were winnowed to three; next week, the winner will chosen. (Not surprisingly, last night they dumped the last woman and kept three white men. The one black dude on the show did well, but he's long gone.) Here's the problem, though: the prize--being the lead singer of INXS--seems an anti-climax. Much better, I think, to do well on the show and lose, after the world has seen your chops, than to be stuck singing "New Sensation" for the next five years of your life. None of the singers remaining on the show (and this has been true for weeks) is INXS material. They all have too much ability. Marty, probably the most talented "rocker" (ick) left, won't win, and should be glad. His success could far outstrip INXS's.



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